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ATTD 2022 Highlights: A New Era of Diabetes Innovation

Published on: 22 August 2022

Dexcom recently participated in the Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD) 2022 Conference, streamed live from Barcelona. ATTD has been at the forefront of diabetes innovation for the last 15 years, and many exciting developments were unveiled during the conference.

We have highlighted three pertinent and interesting themes discussed at ATTD 2022, including new advances in automated insulin delivery (AID) technology, the importance of diabetes technology onboarding, and how to identify the right technology for people living with diabetes. Read our highlights below.


Exploring Automated Insulin Delivery (AID)

One of the most exciting aspects of ATTD 2022 was the focus on automated insulin delivery (AID). Experts discussed the need to make AID systems available to all people with diabetes and to encourage reimbursement of AID systems for those who need them. As well, it was emphasized that AID should be part of a comprehensive care plan that includes education, support, and individualized treatment.

A number of studies, including the iLet Bionic Pancreas Pivotal Trial, presented data on the use of AID systems, and there is growing consensus that these technologies have great potential for improving outcomes in people living with Type 1 diabetes1,2. With the anticipation of more AID systems coming to market, many of them driven by real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rtCGM), we are entering a new era of diabetes innovation. Dexcom is proud to support AID technologies like the Tandem t:slim X2™ insulin pump with Control-IQ™ advanced hybrid closed-loop technology, and looks forward to continued advancements in this field.

Insulin-Only Bionic Pancreas Pivotal Trial


Finding the Right Technology Match for People Living with Diabetes

With so many new diabetes technologies on the market, it can be a challenge for HCPs to help people find the right match between specific devices and their individual needs. Factors such as age, lifestyle, diabetes type, preferences, and comorbidities may be taken into account when recommending the right technology. Similarly, income and insurance coverage also play a role in an individual’s accessibility and ultimate decision-making.

The overarching point is that a one-size-fits-all approach may not be the best when it comes to diabetes technology. In contrast, offering in-depth and tailored diabetes onboarding techniques, such as those shown in the ONBOARD study3, may help improve long-term adoption.

DiabetesWise, an initiative from the Stanford University School of Medicine, offers a unique tool (Checkup) that can help individuals explore the latest technologies, and understand how these technologies may best support their lifestyle and preferences. Learn more through the link below.

DiabetesWise Checkup


Benefit vs. Burden in Diabetes Tech Onboarding

Another pertinent topic at ATTD 2022 was based on the Guidelines to Improve Glucose Control Using CGM study4 by Katharine Barnard-Kelly and William Polonsky. This study explored how consideration of both the benefits and burden of using technology can improve and support long-term use of new devices. It also offers healthcare providers new ways to think about how they may counsel rtCGM users.

For example, on one side of the see-saw, additional information from an rtCGM system may be overwhelming for some users; although protective, alerts or alarms may be ignored if the user feels they are too intrusive or unwanted. On the positive side of the see-saw, rtCGM can be incredibly beneficial, providing people with real-time insights into their glucose levels and may help to protect them from hypoglycemia without the need for routine fingersticks* or scanning.

Dr. Barnard-Kelly’s work suggests that it's important healthcare providers help people find the right balance between the benefits and burden of using new technology in their diabetes management, and that’s something that takes time, practice, and patience. Healthcare providers can help to alleviate these burdens by understanding individual needs and preferences, as well as by providing support and guidance with device setup, customization, and continued use.

View Study Abstract

Dexcom is proud to support advancements in diabetes technology around the world. If you are a healthcare provider wanting to learn more about the Dexcom G6 real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring (rtCGM) System, please request a call from a Dexcom representative.

*If glucose alerts and readings from the Dexcom G6 do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions.

1 Amadou, C., Franc, S., Benhamou, P., Lablanche, S., Huneker, E., Charpentier, G., & Penfornis, A. (2021). Diabeloop DBLG1 Closed-Loop System Enables Patients With Type 1 Diabetes to Significantly Improve Their Glycemic Control in Real-Life Situations Without Serious Adverse Events: 6-Month Follow-up. Diabetes Care, 44(3), 844-846. doi: 10.2337/dc20-1809

2 ATTD 2021 Invited Speaker Abstracts. (2021). Diabetes Technology &Amp; Therapeutics, 23(S2), A-1-A-206. doi: 10.1089/dia.2021.2525.abstracts

3 Tanenbaum, M.L. et al., 2021. Onboard: A feasibility study of a telehealth-based continuous glucose monitoring adoption intervention for adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 23(12), pp.818–827.

4 Barnard-Kelly, K., & Polonsky, W. (2019). Development of a Novel Tool to Support Engagement With Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems and Optimize Outcomes. Journal Of Diabetes Science And Technology, 14(1), 151-154. doi: 10.1177/1932296819848686

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