The most connected CGM
brand in the world*,1
With Dexcom CGM, glucose information integrates with your patient’s insulin delivery
systems, digital health partners, and connected devices so they can access
personalized insights to manage their diabetes – anytime, anywhere.
Dexcom G6 and G7† are now integrated with the Tandem t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ‡ technology, the #1-rated AID system2
Give your patients automated insulin dosing and the power to prevent highs and lows.
† In-warranty t:slim X2 users can upgrade as of December 10, 2024. Pumps pre-loaded with the updated software will begin shipping in early January 2025.

* Not all connections are available in Canada. To learn more about insulin pump integrations and compatibility with Dexcom CGM Systems, visit dexcom.com.
† In-warranty t:slim X2 users can upgrade as of December 10, 2024. Pumps pre-loaded with the updated software will begin shipping in early January 2025.
‡ This product may not be right for you. Always read and follow the label. The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology is indicated for users with type 1 diabetes, 6 years and older. WARNING: Control-IQ technology should not be used by people under age 6, or who use less than 10 units of insulin/day, or who weigh less than 25 kg. Safety info: tandemdiabetes.com/safetyinfo.
§ Dexcom G7 warms up in 30 minutes, whereas other CGM systems require one hour or longer.
II Abdomen should not be used in pregnant women; upper buttocks for use in 2-6 year-olds only.
¶ When compared with CGM systems commercially available in Canada as of October 2024.
# Smart device sold separately. To view a list of compatible devices, visit dexcom.com/compatibility
** Compatible smartphone is required to pair a new Dexcom G7 sensor with a compatible Apple Watch. To use Share/Follow the smartphone must be within 33 feet of the Dexcom G7. For a list of compatible devices, visit dexcom.com/compatibility.
†† The Dexcom apps on Connect IQ are only for secondary display of data from the Dexcom CGM system and are for passive monitoring purposes only. The Dexcom apps on Connect IQ are not intended to replace the Dexcom CGM System, nor replace self-monitoring practices as advised by a physician. All therapeutic decisions, including those regarding calculating insulin or other drug doses, should not be based on data displayed in the Dexcom apps on Connect IQ.
‡‡ Dexcom CGM System required for use.
§§ Must have the Dexcom app on Connect IQ downloaded to a compatible smartwatch to add Dexcom data to the watch face.
¶¶ Compatible smartphones must have a data connection and be in BLE range of both the Dexcom CGM and Garmin smartwatch or Edge® cycling computer.
## For a list of compatible devices, click here. Edge® devices are only compatible with the Dexcom Connect IQ data field.
*** Even in Do Not Disturb mode.
††† Carbohydrate values are estimates only and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The values are for education only and should not be used for treatment or dosing.
1 Dexcom, data on file, 2024.
2 Data on file, Tandem Diabetes Care.
3 Brown SA, et al. N Engl J Med. 2019;381(18):1707-1717.