Supporting your patients can mean helping them access coverage available to them through public health programs or private insurance plans. Click the links below:

Dexcom G7 is covered by most private insurers and many provincial health programs*,1
Patients can receive up to 20% off out-of-pocket costs‡,1
The Dexcom G7 Patient Benefit Program provides up to 20% co-pay assistance, which can reduce and even eliminate patients’ out-of-pocket costs.‡,1

Plans that cover Dexcom CGM
Are you or your patient looking for which public programs or employer-provided insurance plans offer coverage for Dexcom CGM? We’ve created a 3-step guide to make the discovery process even easier. The guide has robust information on available coverage and can be accessed on our Patient website.
Explore the guide by coverage type:
How to initiate coverage for your patients
In most cases, all that’s needed to initiate coverage is a prescription for Dexcom G6 or G7. Some public healthcare programs or private insurance plans may require you, the healthcare provider, to complete an additional request or claim form. You can review the list of exceptional forms by province or plan below.

Special Authorization, Request, or Claim Forms by Program or Plan
- Public Services Health Care Plan (PSHCP) – Claim Form
- British Columbia – Pharmacare Special Authority Request Form
- New Brunswick – Confirmation of Medical Eligibility for Glucose Sensor Coverage
- Northwest Territories – Exception Approval Drug Request Form
- Nova Scotia – Sensor-Based Glucose Monitoring Program Application Form
- Ontario - Assistive Devices Program (ADP) Application Form
- Ontario - ADP rtCGM Funding Exception Request
- PEI - Glucose Sensor Program Initial Family Contribution Assessment and Release of Information form
- Quebec – RAMQ Exceptional Medication Form
- Saskatchewan – Exception Drug Status Request
Patient insurance support
Our team of Insurance Specialists are here to help your patients navigate their insurance benefits. Patients can call us toll-free at 1-844-832-1810 or complete our online Insurance Help form to have a member of our team reach out to them.
* Eligibility and coverage vary by policy, plan, and payor. For insurance assistance call Dexcom Canada by toll-free phone at 1-844-832-1810 with any questions.
† When compared within 12 months of initial commercial availability.
‡ Based on reasonable upcharge, mark-up, and customary pharmacy dispensing fee.
1 Dexcom, Data on file, 2024.