For pediatric patients with diabetes (or meet criterion ‘c’ specifically below) who are under 18 years old and meet ALL of the following criteria:
- Under the care and management of a pediatric endocrinologist, pediatric diabetes specialist, pediatric metabolic physician or certified diabetes educator within the Saskatchewan Health Authority who is working with a pediatric diabetes specialist, and
- Patient and/or caregiver demonstrates the capacity to use the rtCGM appropriately, and
- Patient and/or caregiver demonstrates a reasonable understanding of what the CGM/FGM can do and how it can benefit their care, and
- Patient and/or caregiver affirms a willingness to use the CGM/FGM properly and to use the data from this technology to make safe and effective diabetes management decisions.
In addition, patients must also meet ONE of the following:
- Approved for the Saskatchewan Insulin Pump Program (NOTE: The Saskatchewan Insulin Pump Program policy will determine when patients are eligible for a new insulin pump funded by the Saskatchewan Insulin Pump Program.), or
- On both basal AND bolus insulin, or
Have hyperinsulinism requiring frequent blood glucose monitoring.
Coverage Category