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Submitted by elaine.shi on

ADP coverage for Dexcom G6 rtCGM is available for adults and children (2 years and older) living with type 1 diabetes, who are residents of Ontario and have a valid Ontario health card. Qualified individuals for the ADP funding will receive 100% coverage for their Dexcom G6.

Dexcom G7 is not currently listed under the ADP program at this time.

To be eligible for coverage, individuals must meet the following Medical Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Applicant has type 1 diabetes.
  2. Applicant meets one of the following.
    • Owing to their developmental stage or a previously diagnosed cognitive or physical impairment, Applicant is
      • unable to recognize or communicate symptoms of hypoglycemia; or
      • independently perform fingerstick glucose testing.
    • Applicant had severe hypoglycemia in the past 2 years without an obvious precipitant, despite optimized use of insulin therapy and glucose monitoring (at least 4 times/day) which result in one of the following.
      • suspension of the applicant’s driving license
      • hospitalization or emergency room or EMS visit
      • glucagon administration, unconsciousness, or seizure
  3. Applicant demonstrates experience with and commitment to managing blood sugar control and an ability to use rtCGM safely and effectively by all of the following.
    • commitment to long-term diabetes follow-up through regular assessments by diabetes educators, and prescribers at intervals deemed appropriate by the Diabetes Education Program;
    • agrees to full-time rtCGM wear;
    • agrees to share the data components of the Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) with the diabetes health care providers/team such as:
      • precent time in target range, percent time above or below target range, precent time in hypoglycemia
      • visual representation of average 24-hour glucose profile for a 2-week period
Coverage Category